What Social Media Platform Is Right For Your Business?

Social media has unquestionably changed the landscape of marketing, as well as how we communicate with friends and family members. As such, social media is an indispensable facet of your digital strategy, but choosing the right platform to invest in is vital to the success of your future marketing endeavors. Thankfully, The Adaptive Imagination can help you find the right balance for your advertising dollars and choose a platform that works for you. Here are a few key points to keep in mind.


  1. Audience

This is quite possibly the biggest selling point in choosing a primary social media portal, so you should dig deep to find out exactly who your business targets and what social media platforms they use. For instance, 18-35 users of Facebook have dropped dramatically and have embraced portals like SnapChat and Instagram, while older Americans have gravitated toward Facebook in recent years. With a target demographic in mind, it’s easy to look at the data and find the right match.


  1. Competition

Any company worth its salt is trying to outdo its competitors, so any foray into social media should include a close examination of what strategies and platforms your competitors are using. By finding out which platforms they are most active on and spark the most engagement, you can make an informed decision to try and beat them at their own game, or make a shift to a different platform to forge a new path.


  1. Data

Google Analytics, Hootsuite and other social media tracking software can give you more information than ever on the actions of your followers, so this can be a fabulous arbiter of where you should spend your advertising dollars. Pay particular attention to social media sites where consumers share your content and how they engage with your brand to better manage your social media presence and gain a more accurate picture of your target demographic.