Social Media News Roundup

While we tend to look at particular strategies and methods for getting the most out of your social media marketing campaign, it’s also important to keep up with the latest features, developments, and news from platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Starting at the top, Facebook has introduced a number of new features in the past month. First off, the company has expanded the purview of their Notes function, making it much more customized so that you can add a cover photo to demonstrate what the note is about in addition to captioning and resizing photos.

In other Facebook news, they also introduced a new 360-degree function in the news feed so that users on the web or on Android will soon be able to see 360 videos in their newsfeed. The company is also expected to roll the feature for iOS users in the next few months.

For advertisers on Facebook, the company has enhanced the Atlas platform, which “will make it easier than ever for clients to perform quality assurance (QA) checks on their actions, performance and placements.” In addition, journalists and content creators are rather content about a new feature in which they can access audience reactions to their posts using Mentions, even if the person doesn’t mention the author by name.

It was a relatively quiet week for Twitter but still the site saw a major overhaul with the redesign of their Tweet and Follow buttons, which will debut next month, featuring a modern, high-contrast design.

Moving past feature, some of the top news items from the past week include the fact that Instagram not only continues to grow, but is growing at a remarkable speed with its audience base now consisting of over 400 million accounts.

Meanwhile, Facebook is looking to expand its Instant Articles by expanding the number of users who can use them along with the number of publishers who can create them.

Finally, the nascent Periscope platform continued its steady rise with an iOS update, which allows veiwers to share screenshots that they take during a stream, a feature that will most certainly result in a large number of memes for the service.

And that’s your week in social media news!