80 Percent of Companies will Increase Digital Marketing Budgets in 2015

If your company has been mulling over an expansion in your digital marketing efforts, it turns out that you’re not the only one who’s looking to break into the online sphere! According a recent study dubbed “The Future of Digital Marketing,” by the digital marketing and technology resourcing firm Mondo, 80 percent of 262 B2C and B2B companies forecast an expansion in their digital marketing budgets for the coming year.


While this is great news for the digital advertising industry, the breadth of the expansion found in Mondo’s study showcases just how invaluable digital strategy is in today’s business world. Of those companies who opted to increase their marketing budgets, 40 percent said they would increase them between 5 and 10%, while 32 percent said they would increase them between 10 and 15% over the next 12 to 18 months.


“One challenge that has been very prominent for digital marketers is the hiring of great talent, and companies are finally getting the budget to do that,” Laura McGarrity, vice president of digital marketing strategy at Mondo, said in the study.


The rapid recovery of the U.S. economy and the business budget surpluses it created in its wake should make for a huge 2015 in the marketing world. The overwhelming need to improve one’s digital profile, audience engagement and online visibility is indispensable in today’s business world, which makes marketing firms like Adaptive Imagination more valuable than ever.