Three Ways to Enhance your Social Media Engagement

Any business can have a social media presence, but the devil is in the details when you’re trying to spark engagement and create an online community that users will find worthwhile to follow. A few minor design tweaks to your page could make a huge difference between the look of a well-run operation and a digital afterthought, and Adaptive Imagination is here to help pull your page out of the web doldrums. Keep the following tips in mind in the future to help your social media pages shine!


  1. Images are pivotal to increased shares

Even with a killer blog post or funny tagline at your disposal, your social posts won’t go very far unless there’s a visual component to pair with them that will increase the chances that they will be shared. Images like photos and infographics are a great start, but you can also expand into video content to give your users something they can quickly point to and say to friends, “Check this out!”


  1. Repeated Postings

With your dazzling visual posts sent out, do you ever feel like you’re missing out on your target audience after it is buried by hundreds of other posts? A social media posting schedule that pinpoionts the times of day that people are on social media, such as during morning and evening commuting hours, will ensure that your posts have a much greater chance of being viewed by your audience. And don’t forget about time zones!


  1. Seek out new audiences

While attracting new users is certainly a difficult task, the truth is that the vast majority of your users have missed out a good chunk of your content since they may have begun following you long after a piece was posted. Recycling old content that has worked in the past is a great way to drive the point home with previous viewers, as well as revisiting a positive campaign with a group of followers who may not have seen it yet. Even with old content, you can find value that will help grow your social media following.